So, as I am beginning this blog can I just say my house is so QUIET! Seriously, both kids are at school and I have 5 hours and 45 minutes to myself! However, my little man was not as stoked for school as I was for my alone time! It started off with a bribe of 10 minutes of bike riding after the bus left with Ava and before he needed to get in the car. I did get him in his class, and after last year I was on my toes when it came to his "pump fake" where he takes off running out the other door instead of his class door! I managed to get him in the class....carrying him! I helped him put his lunch in his cubby, which he proceeded to put back in his backpack, according to him he was not staying. Then a familiar face showed up, thank goodness I met this great mom on Parent Night and she had just moved here to, and it turned out the kids are in the same class! We had a playdate last week, which helped so much. He sat down next to his friend, got started on his morning work, gave me a smile for the camera and a kiss good-bye! I do miss the kiddos, but I think I will be able to make do until 2:45pm!
Breakfast pic! At this point, he is still a little excited!
The bike ride bribe at 8:20am!
Sweet Angels!
The Boys!
I am not staying here!
This face breaks my heart!
I can leave now! Looks like he just may enjoy it after all!